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We are changing the learning experience for children and adults. The Musicians offers the best music lessons at home in UAE. If you are looking for music classes for kids or adults, we will make it easy and possible. guitar classes for kids in Dubai - Piano classes for kids in Dubai - music classes for kids in Dubai - music classes for kids near me - school of piano music - online music lessons, online guitar lessons, online piano lessons, oud lessons, qanon lessons, recorder lessons in Dubai, Saxophone lessons Dubai, percussion lessons, percussion classes, drums lessons, drums classes, drums teacher, events managment in Dubai, events agency Dubai, events agency Sharjah, events agency Abu Dhabi, ABRSM, Trinity, ABRSM Teacher, Trinity Teacher
We are changing the learning experience for children and adults. The Musicians offers the best music lessons at home in UAE. If you are looking for music classes for kids or adults, we will make it easy and possible. guitar classes for kids in Dubai - Piano classes for kids in Dubai - music classes for kids in Dubai - music classes for kids near me - school of piano music - online music lessons, online guitar lessons, online piano lessons, oud lessons, qanon lessons, recorder lessons in Dubai, Saxophone lessons Dubai, percussion lessons, percussion classes, drums lessons, drums classes, drums teacher, events managment in Dubai, events agency Dubai, events agency Sharjah, events agency Abu Dhabi, ABRSM, Trinity, ABRSM Teacher, Trinity Teacher
You've Got A Friend - Special Crafted Music Box

You've Got A Friend - Special Crafted Music Box

Who of us did watch Toy Story and don't know the song "You've Got a Friend". A wonderful gift to your Best Friend.

    • The products are made from high-quality special crafted wood
    • Music box size: 7.1x5.9x2cm

    Disclaimer: music boxes might be slightly out of tune

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We are changing the learning experience for children and adults. The Musicians offers the best music lessons at home in UAE. If you are looking for music classes for kids or adults, we will make it easy and possible. guitar classes for kids in Dubai - Piano classes for kids in Dubai - music classes for kids in Dubai - music classes for kids near me - school of piano music - online music lessons, online guitar lessons, online piano lessons, oud lessons, qanon lessons, recorder lessons in Dubai, Saxophone lessons Dubai, percussion lessons, percussion classes, drums lessons, drums classes, drums teacher, events managment in Dubai, events agency Dubai, events agency Sharjah, events agency Abu Dhabi, ABRSM, Trinity, ABRSM Teacher, Trinity Teacher


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We are changing the learning experience for children and adults. The Musicians offers the best music lessons at home in UAE. If you are looking for music classes for kids or adults, we will make it easy and possible. guitar classes for kids in Dubai - Piano classes for kids in Dubai - music classes for kids in Dubai - music classes for kids near me - school of piano music - online music lessons, online guitar lessons, online piano lessons, oud lessons, qanon lessons, recorder lessons in Dubai, Saxophone lessons Dubai, percussion lessons, percussion classes, drums lessons, drums classes, drums teacher, events managment in Dubai, events agency Dubai, events agency Sharjah, events agency Abu Dhabi, ABRSM, Trinity, ABRSM Teacher, Trinity Teacher

超过 250 迪拉姆(仅限阿联酋)







10 am to  9 pm - Sun 到 Thu


800 8664  - 800 TMMI


         10:00 am 到 3:00 pm  -  06:00 点上午 9:00 点




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在 The Musicians LLC,我们希望让每个人都能更轻松地学习音乐。所以不要限制自己的日程安排,记住我们来找你。



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